Posted on May 5, 2016You’ve all seen it – that oil slick when you start up your boat motor. A vast improvement is to convince people to switch from a 2 stroke engine to a 4 stroke, however this is expensive. It is nice, however, not to have
to mix gas and oil anymore.
Can you drive 40,000 km in 1 hour?
A one hour ride on a 10hp 2 stroke emits the same amount of hydrocarbon pollution as a car driven 40,000km.
97% less
A 4 stroke emits 97% less pollution than a 2 stroke. Click here for more 2 stroke pollution data.
What can your lake association do besides education?
How about a door prize at your AGM (Annual General Meeting) of some amount of money given to the winner provided they upgrade their 2 stroke to a 4 stroke? Entries would have to be restricted to members, people who have a 2 stroke as their main boat, they would have to identify the minimum amount of the prize required for them to upgrade on their ‘ticket’ – i.e. if they say they need $500 and the prize turns out to only be $400 and their ticket is drawn then you just draw the next ticket until you find someone that will upgrade for the $400. The winner gets the prize money when they produce a sales receipt dated after the AGM.
How do you raise the ticket money ...
perhaps a portion of your membership dues, $2, $5 or even $10 if your current dues can accommodate it; ask businesses to donate (list sponsoring businesses in a business directory on your website as well as in your newsletter); add a donation button to your website with all donations going into the prize money.
Everybody wins!
It is in everyone’s best interest to get as many boats converted from 2 stroke to 4 stroke. This might be a way to do it. It might also increase memberships if you can get the prize money above $500, increase attendance at the AGM, and since it is always difficult to convey to members what the association has accomplished in a definitive way – with this suggestion, in 5 years, you might be able to say we converted five 2 strokes into 4 strokes.