

Is your website out of date? Does your calendar of events have all the latest events and is it populated to the end of the year? When was the last time your group sent out a quick email to all your members with the latest news?

  • Quickly Update Website
  • Send Personalized Emails
  • Save Email Templates
  • Survey Members Often

Are your members informed?

When you last surveyed your members did they report that they are fully engaged and are aware of the direction and current progress of your organization?

Is the information your members receive relevant to them?

For each member are you providing them with information on their ‘pet’ project or interest on a regular basis? Wouldn’t this be a great way to satisfy them and ensure they renewed their membership or, better yet, get them to volunteer and help their cause?

Know your audience.

How can you provide your members with the information they are interested in if you don’t know all your members? Are there several groups within your membership with different interests?


Utilizing Cloud services allows complete flexibility for communicating with your members and potential members.